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To passionately share the love of Christ with the lost, guiding them into a relationship with Jesus Christ and nurturing them to Christ-like maturity.  We strive to equip our community for Christ-like ministry, sending it forth to fulfill the mission of the Body of Christ in the world of evangelism. 

Our purpose is summed up in three words:


Give! Grow! Go!


We desire for each person coming through our doors to experience a life-changing transformation through Jesus Christ, moving from consumer to contributor. The Mapleview process involves our mission statement – GIVING, GROWING AND GOING. These three characteristics are not separate compartments, but are overlapping actions and attitudes for both the individual and for our church body as a whole. Giving, Growing and Going produces fruitfulness that God desires to see in every believer and in everything our church does.



The predominant goal of Mapleview Community Church is to pursue excellence in ministry, through the power of the Holy Spirit. By implementing the “S.T.A.N.D. ALWAYS” criteria, we are able to establish and evaluate all activities (past and future) that we participate in.




Stay Tenacious and Never Defeated

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We believe the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God that declares the whole counsel of God.


We believe that salvation is found by faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross, and that God offers the gift of eternal life to all that believe.


We believe that Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a work of grace that is separate and distinct from salvation and that Christ offers baptism to all who believe.


We believe that supernatural signs, wonders and gifts of the Holy Spirit accompany the preaching of the gospel and that divine healing has been provided through Christ’s death on the cross.


We believe that Jesus is coming again and that His return may occur at any moment. We believe He will reward those who follow Him and that He will punish those who reject Him.


We believe that God is calling people to dedicate themselves to the fulfillment of the Great Commission in these last days.


We believe that Jesus died for us on the cross, and that we need to thank Him for dying for us and for the offer of His free gifts of forgiveness, freedom, and His Spirit.


We believe the Bible is the Word of God written; it is the revelation of the truths of God conveyed by inspiration through His servants to us. As such, it is infallible and without error.

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