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Connecting with God & connecting with others.

Spiritual Formation takes place best in the context of relationships, we are made for community!


The Connected Life is our approach to being intentional about our spiritual growth and increasing our connection to God and connection to Others.


Environments matter when it comes to growth. Just as the right soil, water and sunlight determine the health of a plant, so too the environment we chose to enter will directly impact our spiritual growth. Connecting to God and connecting to others will be determined by our disciplined choices.


“Discipline in the spiritual life is the concentrated effort to create the space and time where God can become our master and where we can respond freely to God’s guidance.”

― Henri J.M. Nouwen


We have defined three broad types of environments to help you grow in your spiritual journey. Some topics are handled best in a course (Short-term Group). Some topics are most appropriate in a larger group, teacher-led environment (Study Group). Some topics are handled most effectively in the context of discussions (Connect Group).

connect groups



support & care

connect groups

These groups are small groups (less than 15) with a facilitator that guides a discussion and meets in a home or 'third space' like a coffee shop. Connect groups are marked by three driving values: a focus on spiritual growth; intentional community; and serving each other, or with each other.


The most transformational Bible studies are conversational, not informational.

— Rick Howerton

Image by Beazy
connect groups


These groups will vary in size but start and finish on a predetermined schedule. Many of these groups will meet weekly for 6 to 8 weeks, usually at the church facility and focus on a specific topic.


Spiritual growth and vitality stem from what we actually do with our lives,

from the habits we form, and from the character that results.

— Dallas Willard

Image by Ashley West Edwards


These groups are usually mid-size groups, with a teacher, an open-ended meeting schedule and meet at the church facility. Often these groups are defined by broad groupings like men or women; potentially by life stage; or special interest.


The development of Christ-like character cannot be rushed. Spiritual growth, like physical growth, takes time.

— David Chrzan

Image by Kari Shea

support & care

Life has it's challenges. There are seasons when we experience loss or wounds and we need support. These groups usually follow a curriculum that is designed to help participants navigate the challenges of unique seasons.


Sooner or later, human arms grow weak.

— John Ortberg

Image by Brooke Cagle

connect with our groups team

email pastor John and the rest of our connected life team below

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